Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Health Benefits of a Spa Pedicure

 It's safe to say summer weather has officially graced Oregon! Summer is a great time to come in and enjoy a spa pedicure. Not only do your feet look nicer in your new sandals, but there's an actual benefit to taking care of your feet, according to spa-answers.com. Check out below to reveal why a pedicure should be a must on your summer-ready to do list:

  • Helps  prevent infections and diseases in the nail, including preventing ingrown toenails

  • Provides a relaxing way to de-stress

  • Decreases foot and lower leg pain

  • Reduces the amount of odor your feet exude

  • Helps prevent bunions and corns caused by dead skin

  • Leaves you with soft, healthy, beautiful feet.

 Whether you choose a pop of color or keep it natural to set the mood for summer, your feet with thank you!

 spa pedicure tips - doing this tonight!